☁ (breathe)
ping ghee. 14+. 16th October. NYGH. NYWS'11. 212'09 forever. 309'10. family. friends. Him.
Taylor Swift. BLG. chick flicks. sweets. caramel. glee. how i met your mother. csi:miami. pretty little liars. money. shopping. movies. enjoying life in general.
ships: Haleb (PLL), Fuinn (Glee), Quick (Glee), Mina (Glee), Sober (PLL), Swarkles (HIMYM), Danvannah (Hellcats)
“I have always been fascinated with fairy tales, and the idea that Prince Charming is just one castle away. And you’re gonna run across a field and meet each other in the middle, and have an amazing, perfect movie kiss. And it’s gonna be happily ever after.”
 Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 10:33 PM
but I needed you to believe.
For you, me, someone, everyone, no one: (yes, idea stolen from Danielle) -If anyone talks behind your back, it's because they're jealous of you. -I know you forgot on purpose. -Sorry. -We know, kay. You just need to believe in yourself. -Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. -Hold on there kay. -Just let it all out and cry. -Life doesn't have to be in your favour all the time. -Stop degrading yourself and scolding yourself. -It's not your fault. It's hers. You didn't do anything wrong. You tried your best. It's just her damn attitude. -You know you can do it. -You want it? Then fight for it. Don't slack there. -Jia you. ~ping ghee.
 Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ 8:50 PM
not-so-whimsical thought of the day:
refridgerator is a hard word to spell. especially when you fail at spelling like me, and you have to write that for your physics sia over and over and over again. Once, I even spelt it: refriedgreatoy oh gosh, I'm going back to p1 to study spelling!! ~ oh shucks, my biopoem. D: Labels: speeeeling.
 @ 5:29 PM
ah damn
Crap this physics sia. D:
 Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 6:55 PM
Changing my url to off pavement. catch that one on the March 1st. ;D
 @ 6:50 PM
I'm now on an epic high, don't ask why. I realise I have the wierdest mood swings. :D Someone ate my toblerone. D: AMAZING RACE AT 8PM!
 Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ 8:52 PM
le emo.
Life sucks. I just wanna eat the world okay.
 @ 8:48 PM
dear world, your friend is crazy.
title from no where in particular. D: I realise I'm a really sucky person in general. I can't do anything right. And I've made so many mistakes. Geez, sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be alive. Sheesh. I can do nothing right.Not getting into dan xiang is relieving, but finding out you're the only one... just plain sucks kay. Don't even know what I have to do anymore.
 Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 9:14 PM
 @ 8:46 PM
look up, the stars are fading
title from on top of the world by BLG! Theories of the day: Ce Shi = Slack = GOOD. Eating lunch alone with Wan Lin = crazy ideas = WIERD. MSN convo digressing = wierd gossip Teeth X-Ray =/= being strapped onto wierd machines and having a maniacal surgeon towering over you. Callie + speaking/whispering too loudly = FUNNY. Mr Lee = too many funny quotes to choose one. Training on Saturdays = make me want to puke. The end. Labels: 212, blah., bored, CAPSLOCKJOY., eek, HELP, jiti, juniors, laugh, library, me, MRLEE, omg, RANDOM, somesmartthings, training, Wan Lin, weeklyreview, wushu
 Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 5:55 PM
Today was the coolest day of my life. More details soonn......
 Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 8:27 PM
we are the champions, my friend.
TODAY IS A GOOD DAY.Ce shi was super easy!!! and not stressful wahaha. I think I won't get in dan xiang!YESSSSSS!*cheers* &&&&!!!
 ^^ my lj surname HELL YEAAHHH!
 Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 5:44 PM
This is my big break, and it's calling my naaaame.
title from So far So Great by DemiLovato. I don't usually listen to her songs, but meh. CE SHI TOMORROW OMG fringelutbrignkineir23ii391je32nrjnf4k3.*dies*
 Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 8:00 PM
all this time, I was wasting hoping you would come around
Title from You're Not Sorry by Taylor <333 :D So today had training, which was rollercoaster ruush ish. :D so I dragged my feet to the wuguan, which wasn't opened, then chatted with batchmates. I think that _______ doesn't like me for some wierd reason. Did I do/say something wrong?Then we played captain's ball for 2 hours +++, so we only had 1 hour (?) of training, which was all tao lu. I did my first one terribly, and the second one much better. Then I totured myself doing gong bu and ma bu. End day. Jia yous sec 2s! you can do it!
 Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @ 5:02 PM
disney love!
Is watching Wizards of waverly place (later hannah montana, sonny with a chance, and suite life on deck) on youtube while I do MATH HOMEWORK! Yay for disney! boo for homework. lol, I can really multitask.
 @ 6:52 PM
gonna scream until there's nothing left.
Today was a spasm-y day. rollercoaster ruush again. so went to school all groggy and sleepy, did geog. Then lessons started, and then just droned through geog doing letters and stoned through chinese because I was freaking pissed at my shi yong wen mark. Still mantaining the fact that the hate feeling is mutual. Then lunch was okay, delivered a few letters. Then we had LA, which was fun, so yeah. Then we had history, which made me very high teaching callie the rubiks cube. Then contact time, which was damn high. Wan Lin is super funny when she's so high and stuff. haha, we were both being idiots singing the "I've got afree postcard!" song. :DD Okay, then sl investiture was bleh. so wierd, and the bus came damn late. ending with a few vids, i shall post in the next post. peace!
 @ 6:41 PM
oh the irony.
So we won't be skipping training at all tomorrow, so we won't be missing ce shi. Funny that when we thought it was after school, we panicked and wished it wasn't after school And when we realise it's during lunch, moony and I both wish we could skip training/ce shi because we feel we don't want to go. Appropriate title is appropriate.
 Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ 4:45 PM
as I pace back and forth all this time
title from white horse by Taylor. Yay~ Anyway, would like to rant about something today. Haven't done ranting in a while already, so i'm glad I can get to rant today. Highlight to read. See? You get a choice!I hate it I hate it. Grrr. Sometimes I wish I quit. Grrr.Saturday training was terrible. Wait even worse lah. it was HELL.After Esther and Qiu Hao left, training was terrible.1, I forgot part of my tao lu, and esther wasn't there.So I asked Wai Leng for help (she's veryvery nice yay), and the coach also taught me a little.2, we had PT. OMG IT WAS TERRIBLE.++hilary, why weren't you in training! We were squashed in Captain's Ball! D:We did about 30 chinese dance fish things on our backs. Then 30 on our stomachs.Than about 20 or more jumps.Then we had shwai-tou ing.It all may seem simple, but after you go through 2 hours of training, not very nice.Grr.So happy news to override the unhappy stuff: TAYLOR'S WHITE HORSE MUSIC VIDEO CAME OUT , && SHE'S PERFORMING FIFTEEN ON THE GRAMMYS!!!!!! YAY TAYLOR YOU ROCK! Appropriate title is appropriate. Yes. Shall find the link to the music vid. it was so depressing/emoish. DD: Okay. PEACEOUT! ping ghee
 Friday, February 6, 2009 @ 9:49 PM
And to end with a hopeful note;
 @ 9:42 PM
A little help here?
So, I'm going to change my url on March 1st. I need help choosing the url. I have already decided on the names, and applied all. I need to use the other blogs for other stuffs too. MAINLY: Yes, the second highest votes will be my digital work (photoshop), the third highest will be my 365 project blog. And most probably I'll take dearskies as my fiction story blog. VOTEVOTEVOTE! Labels: HELP
 Thursday, February 5, 2009 @ 8:18 PM
the way you walked away, I could tell you were not afraid
title from ARTTM, "I'll be your Sunset" <3333 Yes, it's on repeat on my window media player. Just wanted to say: GET WELL SOON YEE WIN AND LILIA! COME AND SUFFER WITH US SOOON! ♥ YEE WIN: GET WELL SOON! AND BE THE HYPER PERSON YOU ARE!LILIA: NO, I FORBID YOU TO QUIT! JIAYOUS! AND GET WELL!
 Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ 7:49 PM
post 222, which happens to be a madeofwin! number.
I'm currently trying to set up the community for round two of taylors_lims. I've done the profile picture so far, but the header and layout and sign-up post.... oh well. thakn goodness I have a co-mod. And yeah, I'm still reading the same manga I was reading before. hurhur. what it looks like now: http://community.livejournal.com/taylors_lims/profileIs it too orange? I hope not.
 @ 4:59 PM
a rocket to the mooon! <33333
Yes, ping ghee has found a new music obsession. A ROCKET TO THE MOON IS LOVE. :D I found them while watching a video of them covering Forever and Always, which is one of my favourite songs!!! The lead guy is amazing. Another reason is maybe because they sound like BLG! lovelovelove. AWESOME SAUCE! -ping ghee is in a hyper mood, and must not be disturbed.
 @ 2:54 PM
music starts playing like the end of a sad movie
title is from "breathe" by Taylor <3333 Whee, I ma reading manga at onemanga now, as livejournal is down. Am waiting impatiently for livejournal to go back up. grr. No one reads the mangas I read! D: okay, byebye.
 Tuesday, February 3, 2009 @ 5:22 PM
I won't change anything in my life.
  Spontaneous Idealists are creative, lively and open-minded persons. They are humorous anddispose of a contagious zest for life. Their enthusiasm and sparkling energy inspires others and sweeps them along. They enjoy being together with other people and often have an uncanny intuition for their motivations and potential. Spontaneous Idealists are masters of communication and very amusing and gifted entertainers. Fun and variety are guaranteed when they are around. However, they are sometimes somewhat too impulsive in dealing with others and can hurt people without really meaning to do so, due to their direct and sometimes critical nature. This personality type is a keen and alert observer; they miss nothing which is going on around them. In extreme cases, they tend to be oversensitive and exaggeratedly alert and are inwardly always ready to jump. Life for them is an exciting drama full of emotionality. However, they quickly become bored when things repeat themselves and too much detailed work and care is required. Their creativity, their imaginativeness and their originality become most noticeable when developing new projects and ideas - they then leave the meticulous implementation of the whole to others. On the whole, Spontaneous Idealists attach great value to their inner and outward independence and do not like accepting a subordinate role. They therefore have problems with hierarchies and authorities. If you have a Spontaneous Idealist as your friend, you will never be bored; with them, you can enjoy life to the full and celebrate the best parties. At the same time, they are warm, sensitive, attentive and always willing to help. If Spontaneous Idealists have just fallen in love, the sky is full of violins and their new partners are showered with attention and affection. This type then bubbles over with charm, tenderness and imagination. But, unfortunately, it soon becomes boring for them once the novelty has worn off. Boring everyday life in a partnership is not for them so that many Spontaneous Idealists slip from one affair into another. However, should the partner manage to keep their curiosity alive and not let routine and familiarity gain the upper hand, Spontaneous Idealists can be inspiring and loving partners. Adjectives which describe your type spontaneous, enthusiastic, idealistic, extroverted, theoretical, emotional, relaxed, friendly, optimistic, charming, helpful, independent, individualistic, creative, dynamic, lively, humorous, full of zest for life, imaginative, changeable, adaptable, loyal, sensitive, inspiring, sociable, communicative, erratic, curious, open, vulnerable Labels: meme, personality