Saturday, July 9, 2011 @ 4:14 PM
I've been wanting to blog about SLC, but I can't, How do you summarise such a beautiful experience into just words? It needs to be felt and experienced.
I never thought I would be this attached to facs or to SLC. But now they are an undeniable part of me that I think will last with me for forever. These people are amazing, they're like family to me now.
I will remember all the different outings, the stupid inside jokes, the stupid mind screwing and everyone now being mindscrew experts.
Yesterday after 1000 (which was AMAZING and really touching, but I didn't cry, cause the guy facs were making me laugh instead, lol silly people.) and after dinner and laughing till my stomach hurt and we were all tired and
we just sat in the circle and actually had comfortable silence. It's hard to reach this kind of silence even one on one. We were just happy spending time with each other. It's amazing how comfortable we are with each other.
Sure, there still some facs I haven't gotten to know that much yet but I can't believe this, but I don't know them that well, but I love them and I love being a part of them.
I really really hope this fac family will last a long time.