@ 2:10 PM
rollercoaster kinda rush.
10 things meme.
1. are you single? - yeah
2. are you happy? - sort of?
3. are you bored? - YES
4. are you Italian? - NO!
5. are you pregnant? - no duh. o_o I roll my eyes at you question. -_-
6. are you Irish? - nope
7. are you nice? - idk.
8. are you Asian? - yep.
9. are you sober? - yeah... Sober means not drunk right? o_o
10. are you cold? - A little
[1] full name: -Ho Ping Ghee
[2] nicknames: PG, pinyi, ping gheeeeeee (stretch the ee in ghee really long.)
[3] birthplace:- Mt Alvernia Hospital, Singapore.
[4] haircolour: - Black
[5] natural hairstyle: - straight wavy ish.
[6] birthday: - OCTOBER 16!
[7] facebook mood:- None.
[8] favourite colour: - blue!
[9] one place to visit:- Paris/New York!
[10] where are you going to be in an hour?: no where. I'll still be stuck behind the computer making icons. >__> I HAVE NO LIFE OMG.
1* have you ever been in love? -I'm not gonna answer this, because either way you guys will bug me about it.
2* do you believe in love at first sight?- yes
3* have you ever been hurt emotionally? - sort of?
4* have you ever broken someones heart?- I hope not.
5* have you ever had your heart broken? - no
6* have you ever liked someone and never told them?- erm...
7* are you afraid of commitment? - erm....
8* who was the last person you hugged? - My sister
9* who was the last person you said I love you to? - My mom.
10* who was the last person who made you cry? - my dad.
[1] love or lust? -love
[2] hard liquor or beer? - none.
[3] cats or dogs? both.
[4] a few best friends or many regular friends?- few best friends
[5] television or internet? - internet!
[6] wild night out or romantic night in? - romantic night in
[7] money or happiness? -both?
[8] day or night?- Night
[9] IM or phone? -phone.
[10] hamburgers or fries? - fries!
[1] been caught sneaking out? - nope.
[2] been skinny dipping? - no
[3] done something you regret?- YEAH DUH.
[4] bungee jumped? - No. Thank goodness.
[5] lied to someone you like?- yes
[6] finished an entire jaw breaker? - nope.
[7] slept in the same bed with someone from the opposite gender?- nope
[8] cried because you lost a pet? -yeah. Didi died. I cried.
[9] wanted to disappear?- very often.
[10] slit your wrist? - NO!
1] smile or eyes? - both! xD
2] light or dark hair?- both! (:
3] hugs or kisses? - erm...
4] shorter or taller? - taller
5] intelligence or attraction? - intelligence.
6] romantic or spontaneous?- both
7] funny or serious? - both
8] skinny or fat?- medium?
9] outgoing or quiet? - both.
10] sweet or badass?- both!
lawl, look what my hp match is at hh_stamping:

And my previous character stamp:

So yay, I officially ship Cedric/Hannah! Yay!
The stamp I'm most proud of: