Monday, March 10, 2008 @ 7:22 PM
POST NO.20! <333333
Thank you readers! Without nyou, this blog would have never survived this long! ;D
Anyway, I can't believe I survived a week without posting! D:
Teh Horrors of horrors.
Yes, It's meant to be "teh" and not "the"
LSC ROCKS! [LSC=Lifeskills Camp. By the way]
Oh my god, I never had so much fun in my entire life before.
Day 1: We did Mascot and Flag Making. Our flag rocked and it won us a prize in the end. ;D The mascot.....I'm not sure leh. We won so many prizes that I lost track! :D
Our mascot turned out quite horrible....this purple round thingy. But Fiona's speech for it was AWESOME! Rock on Fiona! :]
Then we had the em..... Treasure Hunt! Yesyyesyes~
We really bonded as a class. The
shu fa and the metre ruler song were the best! :]
112 rock on!
WE eat your rocks!
Then we went to play the raffia string game, and instead of making a perfect square as we were supposed to, we made a heart.
I heart 112. Whooo.
Then we played the quadripledrics[sp?] game. Very fun. A bit of Drama when the "ghosts" were pulling Grace away from me. Nooo Grace!!! She "died" in the end.
Then we had time to practice for talentime. :]
And then we ate. Every day at the residential camp we ate. Supper, Lunch, Breakfast, Dinner. :]
Too much food provided in my opinion.
Then Over the Hedge movie screening!
Sleep. ZZZZ
Day 2: We went to Safra Mt Faber in the early monring. We[112ers] were banging the canteen table. :] And we played bomb. You know the one that goes "xx bomb, xxbomb, xx bomb to aa bomb"? Yeahh. We[ 112!!] didn't get bombed. We were quick attackers!
Then we went to the place and on the way, Jun Hui let me read her magazine. I found out that Miley Cyrus likes Nick Jonas. @____@ So weird.
We went to play swimming games there, and then lunch and trekking and finally.........
MASS DANCE! Whoo! I love mass dance. OPENOPENCLOSECLOSE longjiampas PIAH!:]
Then Talentime back in school! Wah, so freaky. I was sweating even before I went on stage. I felt soooo high!!! Whee. When it was over, we were smiling like crazy ppl! :]
Then Mass dance in our class with 113 and some 111 ppl joining in.
Day 3: We er..... got to clean up. We cleaned up 2 toilets you know!
We cleaned the first one by mistake because on the booklet they had typo error. But then the second one we didn't do much 'cause the cleaning auntie helped us. :]
Then we watched
ai sha 17 using youtube.
Then we had to change places. I'm sitting with GRACE now! Yay! *hughug* :D
Then we did surveys. 4 surveys. Teh horrors.
Then we went home. I went home with Jun Hui. Because she takes bus with me. She's my new Jiejie as well. :] Yayay!
Gonna create a staircase gang blog. Mmm.
Labels: 112, Lovelove, LSC, me, news