Friday, February 22, 2008 @ 6:20 PM
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Hello lovelies! <3
It's friday, so that means UPDATE~
I'm pretty poud of my class.
We are actully caring about talentime!
I mean, at first, some people absolutely didn't care.
We have class spirit man! <3
Today, NYGH gave us yoghurt.
FREE YOGHURT for fruits and vegetables day.
Meiji Yoghurt.
Man, I LOVE Nanyang!
Last time in rgps, we just had parent volunteers sell fruits.
My two favourite meiji yoghurt flavours: Aloevera and Mixed fruit.
Strawberry isn't very nice. D;
Wushu CIP:
I sat on the bus with Boon hui. She's a very nice girl. :]
We went to this hospital and pushed their wheelchairs from their wards to the stage place.
Then we watched the Guzheng, Lion Dance and Wushu people perform.
The old folks there are very cheerful you know! :]
The lion dance was a bit long. I kept wondering when it would end.
The Guzheng performed very well. Good job gals!
The wushu were , like whoa.
When they did the ji ti in such a confined space,[The stage space was really small.] I was worried that they might accidentally hit one of the old folks.
Haha, they almost did. They stopped just in time. :]
Then we gave the old folks cookies and oranges. Bai nian you know!
I was so hungry. One of my wushu friends gave me chocolates. <33 Thanks Yee Win![sp?]
then we pushed them back to their wards.
It was a really good experience for me. My first time doing this type of CIP. :]
Whee! My father bought Wii. I can play during the weekend! Yay! <3333
Labels: first, me, TGIF, wushu