Saturday, April 9, 2011 @ 9:38 PM
okay I'm quite sad cause the previous post was supposed to be a lot longer but blogger chewed up my post.
anyhow, I loved Thursday's training. First training in a long time that I've
ping-ed (omg, that's like a pun or something.) so hard. Because we had the whole damn carpet to ourselves and
Pan all to ourselves too. (that sounded wrong.) It's rare to actually have the whole carpet to yourself. You can have actual conversations across the carpet and everyone will know it's them you're talking to. I love
ba zhan -ing the carpet! Not that I hate the
danxiang people or anything lah, haha.
Jiti was amazing on Thursday, cause I think we all put in our utmost effort into each full
taos. And we actually managed to work on music and
pei yin yue in 1 training session, which is quite an accomplishment. I really like our
jiti music, it's really symbolic of us or something. When I hear that song, I will think of
jiti. I forgot what I wanted to write about Thursday other than this. I think although this is the year we feel the least prepared, it's my favourite year. Why? Because this is the result of 3 whole years of hard work and perserverence, of hugs and disagreements, of encouragements and pushing each other to be better and better. And out of it all, we are one sec 4 jiti 2011. We are one collective group effort, performing the same movements, to the same music, to the same timing, to our utmost ability. And that to me is more important than gold and silvers. 'No regrets' is more important for me, because it's our last year. I just want to do everyone proud, and do myself proud. I want to be able to shrug whatever the result is off, and still celebrate the 3 years together as one jiti.
The atmosphere today at training was pretty nice. Today during training, Zhou came and totally shocked us all. But she was so helpful! And actually went step by step with us to help us improve. I think that we have a chance of at least beating half the groups. Seriously. I still need to work on my flying jump in the first part (I swear I managed to do it on thursday....) but other than that I've been able to correct the rest of my mistakes. JUST NEED TO WORK ON MY JUMP ARGHHHHHHHHH.
Moony, Esther, Hilary and I had an interesting discussion today. About the biggest decision we ever made as jiti. I think what really sparked it was when Zhou made a comment about... yeah. I feel kinda mean, but it's got me thinking though, what would have happened if we picked the other option? I guess it's one of the few things we'll never find out.
5 more days bbs, 5 more days to no regrets. Going by my 3 wushu mantras:
1. Trust the carpet.
2. Even if you lose, the most important part is getting back on your feet.
3. Leave the carpet with no regrets.