Saturday, August 14, 2010 @ 11:39 PM
Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People.
1) I know I'm only here for your entertainment. I fear that I care for you more then you care for me. And it hurts me inside.
2) Please don't leave me ever. I need you in my life. (Actually I don't wish. I can. This is for Callie.)
3) I wish I had the chance in the past to be better friends with you. To see past my own prejudices and maybe even become your best friend. You were willing to let me into your life, but I just wasn't.
4) Thank god I have you in my life. (For WQ)
5) Thank god I have you in my life. (For Vanessa)
6) You are an arrogant and selfish beyotch. Keep away from me.
7) Why aren't we as close anymore? We used to be able to talk. Now we just stare at each other in the corridor and wave. What happened?
8) I miss having you in my life.
9) Why aren't we as close anymore?
10) I wish you hadn't left. If you hadn't, we could still have been close friends. We have so much in common. If you had stayed, we'd probably be as close as sisters.
Nine things about myself.
1) I dance.
2) I roll my eyes often, just not in front of you guys.
3) I do roleplay online on livejournal.
4) Nothing's "okay" when I say "I'm okay".
5) I get suicidal, but lack the guts to actually do it.
6) I have trouble embracing change, when the past is much more pleasant.
7) I give out more love than I receive back.
8) I hate when people lie to me.
9) Most of the time, I don’t mean what I say. It usually is in the heat of the moment.
Eight ways to win my heart
1) Be yourself.
2) Hug me
3) Don't judge me.
4) Care for me.
5) A simple "I love you" would do. Not ily, ilu. the whole phrase is more sincere, isn't it?
6) Understand me.
7) Actually pay attention to every word I say.
8) Send me nice mushy messages or texts.
Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
1) Why me and ______ are even friends, and why I care so much when she doesnt.
2) TV shows. (:
3) What ifs.
4) Memories
5) What I am going to do later
6) The future.
7) Food! ;)
Six things I do before I fall asleep.
(not in order,)
1) Pray
2) Brush my teeth
3) Off my computer
4) Check my phone
5) Brush my hair
6) wash my face
Five people who mean a lot.
(I'm doing "groups of people" unless stated otherwise)
1) Family.
2) Callie
3) WQ, WL, R, V
4) Batchies
5) 212'09
Four things you’re wearing right now.
1) hairband
2) pyjama top
3) pyjama pants
4) my heart on my sleeve ( :D )
Three songs that you listen to often.
1) Bad Romance (Lady Gaga)
2) Fifteen (Taylor Swift)
3) Hero/Heroine (BLG)
Two things you want to do before you die.
1) Travel the world. Or just a few places.
2) Fall in and out of love.
One confession
I used to have a secret aspiration to dance professionally. Now? Not so much. Quitting ballet killed it badly.