Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 9:56 PM
Since everyone in my batch who has a blog wrote about it, I'll write about it.
It rained that morning.
Maybe it was a bad sign, a bad omen.
All I thought then was no more sun, no more heat.
Walking out of class to go competitions for the first time, with all my friends cheering me on, really lifted my spirits high. Full of a freaky thing called confidence.
We joked about my hanger, our biao yan fu, Shen Lin's hair, and laughed and laughed.
We laughed on the bus, and kept on laughing about Esther's clumsiness, random things, flags, handphones, songs.
We kept laughing.
The tense hours of competition I will never forget.
Know that law where everything that can go wrong will go wrong?
Yeah. That happened.
I really wished I was the one to step out and offer my place to Yee Win.
It's not her fault; none of us wanted to give up the one chance to perform.
I shut my ears and looked away, hoping that we would stop all this bickering and choosing of who to go.
We fought on, without Yee Win.
I remember one of our opponents saying something about "last place" and "sorry" to us, but it was all a blur then.
We took a mini batch photo. Ser Yeen and I formed a distorted heart with our hands.
The last thing I thought before going up was, "This is it."
Realisation overwhelmed me.
This was probably the last chance to impress.
You'd probably not know how it feels to stand and stare at the computer screen, knowing that it will secure everything.
I nearly stumbled over when I saw our marks.
Then the tears started to flow.
I felt dissappointed with myself obviously.
Then we kept on crying.
Bubble tea didn't help to ease our pain or sadness.
"Ping Ghee, I thought your competition is today?"
"No, it was yesterday."
"How was it?"
*awkward pause*
"We got....fifth."
*longer pause*
"Not bad what."
"But there were.... six teams."
Reflecting onthis experience, maybe we have each learnt something from this.
Next year, I SWEAR, I'm gonna ping1 le4!
Jiayous NYWS! Let's get B div overall champs!
Watch out! NYWS is coming through. <33