Wednesday, February 16, 2011 @ 8:35 PM
I think it hurts.
Directed to not just one person;I think it hurts to feel like I'm not wanted, not needed anymore. That you feel fucking sick of looking at me. Like you treat being around me like a chore. Like I'm a disease you can't avoid.I think it hurts to know you're happier when I keep silent. That the only reason the last time that I actually ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ is because I bumped into them by accident. That I still remember that till now.I think it hurts how selfish you are. Even she knows. Everyone can tell. How you treat me like a fucking kindergartener. Like how you always assume I don't know what to do, when the truth is, I just want to make sure.I think it hurts how you don't deserve it. You don't deserve any of it. I'm not saying I deserve it, but I think other people do.I think it hurts how obvoius you are. How easily thrown aside I am by you. How you pretend everything's normal, but you're cursing me behind my back.I think it hurts how I'm always second. How I'm always choice number two, the person who you can fall back on just in case.I think it hurts how everyday is a draggy chore. How no day can be just happy and perfect. How my day can go "smoothly".