Tuesday, August 24, 2010 @ 8:25 PM
batchies are the best.
Today was a boring and unhigh day. Nothing made me happy at all. I just realised I hardly even smiled, except for the walk back to class from the quadrangle.
I mean, training was tough because of the sudden appearance of one Porridge, but I love training with batchies, cause we are almost all on the same wavelength. (and height, haha) And I love jiti, it keeps me alive in wushu. I really really really like our new jiti now. I really really really do.
I really really really enjoy being with my batchies. Seeing them make me smile.
Seeing THAM WAN QING in what seemed like a bajillion gazillion years made me so high. Jiti also made me quite high today. (: There's something about Batch'11 that never fails to make my day.
I don't even know why I'm reflecting so much, must be leftover high? Haha, idk. It's probably because I had a sadly monotone day and in a metaphor (because I love metaphors) Batch 11 is like the colour on my blank white canvas of today. I don't remember any shit about what I learned in Chem today, but I remember all the stupid inside and outside jokes, the new moves, chatting with Blood (haha, or Snow) about teachers and him allowing us to just sit down and slack after we train, or sharing his story with us about that girly move. Or deciding our roles in Hilary's future wedding (flower girl right here). Or singing loudly in off key voices songs from Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift, all the walk from rooftop hall till bus-stop.
I love Batch'11. That's one thing I don't think will ever change. Let's chiong and perfect our jiti by the performance and then show the hwa chong people that our NYWS got standard one! Jia-jiayou ah! (:D)
And cheer up _____! Don't blame yourself too much! Learn to forgive yourself!! (: