Wednesday, June 10, 2009 @ 10:56 PM
Wow, last week was craaaaazy. x-posted from lj.
MONDAY;SMO junior category paper. Meh, some were easy, but for some I just blanked, because I had no idea what the question was talking about. I guessed a few questions, by going "Oh, well, 52 sounds like a nice number! I shall put it down!" and then I really did so. So, I'll most probably get a certificate of participation. Er, hope I get at least bronze?
TUESDAY;Okay, Monday was terrible enough, and I still had to go to the Open Category of SMO. There were only WQ, Fiona, Chun Zi, Callie, So Phia and I and a whole 60++ of China scholars about 2 years/more older than us, and we were all thinking "we're dead."Only few of the questions were easy, no multiple choice! D: The rest were just random guessing, and I left 3 blank, because we haven't even learnt that topic yet in class, so how the hell was I supposed to complete it?
WEDNESDAY;was my rest day.
THURSDAY;Went for the Mathematics Alive! math carnival organised by a few schools for Prmary school kids. My school only sent 1 group, so we were super intimidated by the other schools, who sent 5,6,even 10 groups. Our game was the board game Blokus (which is an insanely fun and tricky game, which you can acutally play online) It gets really addictive. :D
We only had two shifts, so it wasn't really tiring, but my feet were sore, mostly becaues of my stupid refusal to sit dwn on one of the spare chairs. Had fun miming to wierd songs with WQ, because we're just spastic disney freaks like that.
FRIDAY;Went for the second day of the carnival, now there were only 5 of us, and there were 4 sessions in total, so it was a day full of rushing, panic (we lost one of the small pieces and even had to make a broadcast announcement), and it was all very tiring.
WQ CUT HER HAIR~ Now it looks like GRace from the side. Serious. It's scary.
Oh, Callie and I just happened to see Cheryl Pay (ex-classmate)'s brother at one of our games! He came ot our table. zhenqiao. :D I recognised him first! Because, one, not many people have the surname Pay, and two, Gerryl rhymes with Cheryl and Cheryl has many brothers. Then I told Callie to ask him if he was Cheryl's brother! :D Lol, fun.
Oh and abuse of the ACS guy in shorts! you can read more at moony's blog while I go back to history assignment.
-ping ghee says goodnight!